
Who Hosts Baby Shower?

Who traditionally throws a baby shower? Is it really not okay for a family member to host it for me?
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profile picture of Melissa Gould and Ellie Miller
ByMelissa Gould and Ellie Miller,Founding partners of The Baby Planners™
Updated January 2, 2019

Tradition states that when it comes to throwing a baby shower, those who love you should do the honors. This person could be your best friend from college, a colleague from work, the next-door neighbor… or your sister, sister-in-law, mother, aunt, etc. (In other words — if a family member offers to throw you a bash, it’s more than okay to accept.) A group of friends and/or family may also host your shower. This makes the planning and budget more manageable… and lets more people who love you join in the fun!

From us : While tradition says that relatives shouldn’t host your shower, we (and most people we know) think this is pretty outdated. Your aunt or mother may not agree, but this is one “rule” you should be safe to ignore.

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