
When Should I Start Taking Baby to the Dentist?

Has your little one cut their first baby teeth? Here's when you should schedule their first visit to the dentist.
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profile picture of Chris Kammer, DDS
By Chris Kammer, DDS, Dentist
Updated January 9, 2018
Close-up of baby's mouth with a couple of teeth.
Image: Getty Images

This might be surprising to some people: Children should have a dentist by the time they’re one year old. The exams are simple and can be very easy on your child. Usually, you and the dentist will sit knee to knee, and your toddler will sit on your lap, facing you with their legs wrapped around your waist. You’ll have your child lie back so that their head is resting on the dentist’s lap. The dentist will check your child’s mouth and count their teeth, examine the gums, identify abnormalities and even clean the teeth if needed.

Worried a visit to the dentist might scare your toddler? Pick up one or two of the many children’s books about dentist visits and read them to them so they know just what to expect. Also, having your child accompany you on your own dental visits will help them feel more at ease by allowing your kiddo to meet the dentist and office staff before they’re the patient themselves.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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