
When to Have a Baby Shower

You want to show off that baby bump without having to waddle from guest to guest. Here, experts and moms share their tips for the best time to have a baby shower.
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profile picture of Nehal Aggarwal
By Nehal Aggarwal, Editor
Updated May 17, 2024
pregnant mom at her baby shower
Image: Alex Ageev | Shutterstock

Having your baby shower is a major pregnancy milestone for moms-to-be, pregnant people and their partners. Why? It’s one of the only times in pregnancy they get to celebrate this next chapter in life with all their friends, families and loved ones in one place. But, as exciting as the event is, it can take quite a bit of planning to get the group together. One of the most common questions: When do you have a baby shower? Luckily, we tapped an expert and veteran parents for all their tips. Read on for answers to when to have a baby shower, when to send out invites and more.

When Should You Have a Baby Shower?

If you’re newly expecting, you might be wondering when you should have your baby shower? Is there a specific week that’s best? Or a trimester? Emily Coyne a certified event planner and founder of Emily Coyne Events, says that most people have their baby shower in the third trimester, between 27 and 31 weeks. “At this stage, you’ve had time to finalize all of the essential items you’ll need for your registry and will still have enough energy to enjoy the party,” she explains. “This also gives you plenty of time to organize your gifts and have everything set up before baby arrives.”

That said, remember this timeframe is subjective. It’s important to have your baby shower whenever it works best for you, which may be earlier in the second trimester or later in the third trimester. Regardless of when you have your baby shower, Coyne recommends sending out invitations four to six weeks in advance. However, if you know the people in your life stay booked and busy, earlier is always better, Coyne adds.

Wondering whether these guidelines stay the same for a second or subsequent child? According to Coyne, most moms either have a baby sprinkle, which are often more casual in nature, or opt to skip the shower altogether because they already own most of the gear they’ll need. But baby sprinkles are still “a fun way to celebrate your new arrival with friends and family,” Coyne says. For sprinkles, she recommends sending invitations out a month in advance, but, again, earlier may be better.

Tips From Real Parents on When to Have a Baby Shower

Wondering when the best time is to have your baby shower? Here’s what other moms had to say. The resounding consensus? The “best” time will vary for everyone, depending on their individual circumstances and comfort levels.

My shower is planned when I will be 35 weeks along, and I would have preferred it much earlier for planning and shopping purposes. We had to pick the date we chose due to everyone going on vacation for Easter and spring break. Convenient for everyone but me! — Hilary C.

I am having my shower at 35 weeks. I think it is a good time, because I still have plenty of time afterwards to buy anything we still need. However this is the latest I would want it. Any later you are almost considered full term and could deliver any minute. I might not have enough time to buy anything I still need. — Aly A.

I had mine at 31 weeks because I was hospitalized and they told me I was not allowed to go past 32 weeks. It was at the hospital and they were so kind to allow it. — Jessica K., mom of three

I had it at 6 months. I did it on my 30th birthday and had a halloween theme. We chose to have it when we did because Halloween is my favorite holiday and it was my 30th birthday (October 15). — Kim S., mom of one

I had mine around 7 months, when baby is closer to being born and I'm getting close to just not wanting to do ANYTHING. I did a shower for the first and sprinkles for the next three. — Jenna P., mom to four and expecting her fifth

Watch, how to decorate baby shower cookies:


Emily Coyne is a certified event planner and founder of Emily Coyne Events. She earned her degree from UC Santa Barbara and began her career in the hospitality and event planning industry at Ritz Carlton Bacara in Santa Barbara, California.

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