ByGabrielle Bennett Senior Content Specialist
Updated April 30, 2024

Who wouldn’t want to live out their days connected to the happiest place on Earth? With the tales you grew up with, and especially now that Disney owns mega-franchises such as Star Wars and Marvel, you and baby both will have no shortage of stories and characters to be inspired by all lifelong. Whether it’s your favorite Disney villain or comic book character, baby will have a window into your heart no matter how far in life they roam with a Disney baby girl, boy, or gender-neutral name.

Disney Baby Boy Names

Your new little prince—or cuddly baby bear—is on the way, and there’s hardly a better way to celebrate that than to give him a Disney baby boy name! These names depict stories of strength, cunning, and light-hearted joy in equal measure. By giving baby one of these heroic, mischievous, or snuggly names, you’re giving him a chance to embody whichever of his natural attributes feels the closest to his heart.

Disney Baby Girl Names

Names coming from under the sea or high up in a tower evoke very specific and beautiful Disney connotations. However, Disney baby girl names aren’t exclusively princess-based selections. These names highlight the power that beats in the heart of every little girl in the world, no matter where they’re from! Give your brilliant baby girl the encouragement she’ll need to be as extraordinary as she can be with a Disney baby girl name.

Popular Disney Baby Names

Though Disney holds many a franchise under its umbrella, the most famous Disney characters are ultimately the princesses and princes that made the company what it is. However, combining facets of names that are popular right now and Disney baby names that are possible results in an homage a little more subtle.

Unique Disney Baby Names

Unique Disney baby names are more like unique names with a hint of Disney flavor. From variant spellings to giving side characters their time to shine, these baby names tug on your heartstrings—right in the place reserved for Disney!

Cute Disney Baby Names

The words “cute” and “Disney” go hand-in-hand naturally. From names that are simply too sweet to handle to ones so quirky you can’t resist, cute Disney baby names are aplenty! These cutesy names also can work as more casual tributes to your favorite childhood films by taking characters' nicknames as strong standalones.

Nature-Inspired Disney Baby Names

From the first-ever princess’s affinity with woodland nature to one of the newest with her connection to the ocean, nature and Disney often go hand-in-hand! But baby doesn’t have to be Snow White or Moana to appreciate all the flora and fauna that keep this world beautiful and turning.
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