
Why Newborn Babies Get Hiccups (and How to Get Rid of Them)

Adults get them all the time, but are hiccups in babies normal? Here’s the deal.
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profile picture of Meredith Franco Meyers
By Meredith Franco Meyers, Contributing Writer
Updated August 5, 2024
mom looking at smiling baby
Image: Milles Studio | Stocksy United

From little coos to tiny yawns, babies do the most adorable things, but sometimes it’s hard to know if what they’re doing is a normal part of development. When your infant hiccups, it can sound cute and sweet, but you might be wondering—is it normal? The short answer is yes. Baby and newborn hiccups are completely harmless and just one sign of baby’s growth and development. Still, they can be a little disturbing for you and your sweetheart. Wondering how to get rid of baby hiccups? Read on to learn possible causes and how long episodes may last—plus, how to stop baby hiccups or, better yet, prevent them altogether.

Why Do Babies Get Hiccups?

Why do newborns get hiccups? Well, just like you get occasional hiccups, so do babies. “Hiccups are a normal and uncontrolled reflex,” explains Denise Scott, MD, an Oklahoma-based pediatrician. Infant hiccups are caused by spasms of baby’s tiny and developing diaphragm—the large muscle between the lungs and abdomen that runs across the bottom of the rib cage and moves up and down as we breathe. “[This] causes the vocal cords to rapidly open and close,” Scott says, which then creates the “hiccup” sound.

Beyond that, newborn and baby hiccups are most frequently related to feeding time. This may include:

  • Baby overfeeding: Eating too much, eating too quickly or swallowing a lot of air can bring about hiccups in babies. “Any of these things can lead to stomach distention,” says Christal Forgenie, MD, a pediatrician with Soha Pediatrics in New York City. When the stomach distends it actually pushes against the diaphragm, which causes it to spasm, and—voilà—hiccups! Forgenie adds that it’s very common for newborn hiccups to set in after or even during a feeding. So if baby starts hiccuping as you’re trying to offer the breast or a bottle, consider it a hint to take a breather. You may even be able to prevent hiccups by feeding baby slowly and taking breaks for burping.

  • Sudden change in stomach temperature: Forgenie and Mayo Clinic say feeding baby something hot and then cold (or vice versa) can also trigger infant hiccups. For example, you give baby some cold milk and then a few minutes later feed them some warm rice cereal—according to Forgenie, this combination can trigger hiccups in babies.

  • Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) In addition to feeding-related triggers, once in a while, a case of constant baby or newborn hiccups can be caused by something entirely different. When baby suffers from GERD, partially digested food and acidic juices from the stomach flow back up into the esophagus causing burning and discomfort. Since the esophagus passes through the diaphragm, it can get irritated and lead to lots of baby hiccups. “It sounds intense, but it’s quite common and doesn’t always create problems,” Forgenie says. It’s important to note, however, that hiccupping alone isn’t a sign of reflux. If you spot any other symptoms or suspect GERD may be the cause, speak to your pediatrician. The good news is that the condition is easily treated.

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Hiccups in Babies: How Early Do They Start?

Hiccups actually start in the womb—as early as the first trimester. “Fetal ultrasounds demonstrate that hiccups can occur as early as 9 to 10 weeks gestation,” Scott explains. Given how early they start, newborn hiccups are extremely common and to be expected.

How Long Do Baby Hiccups Last?

Babies can have hiccups multiple times a day, lasting five to 10 minutes, or longer. As a general rule, if baby acts happy and doesn’t seem uncomfortable, baby hiccups aren’t a cause for concern. “It can be worrisome—especially for new [parents]. But hiccups tend to go away after a few minutes,” notes Robin Jacobson, MD, medical director of NYU Langone Pediatrics Washington Square in New York City. You can just wait it out and allow the hiccups to resolve on their own. If the hiccups persist and seem to be causing baby distress, call your pediatrician to figure out the cause.

Baby hiccups tend to happen less frequently as kids mature. “Usually by 6 months, hiccups decrease a bit, but it’s not worrisome if, say, a baby of 9 months has the hiccups,” Jacobson says.

How to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups

Now that you know why they can happen, you’re probably wondering how to get rid of newborn hiccups. Even if baby hiccups are harmless, it’s normal for you to want your child to get some relief from those incessant spasms. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up some tips for how to stop newborn hiccups. (Hint: It has a lot to do with burping!)

How to stop baby hiccups in breastfed babies

When offering baby your breast, be sure to burp baby as you switch from one breast to the other. If swallowing air seems to be the main issue, you may want to reevaluate baby’s latch, Scott says. Make sure their lips are sealed around the areola of your breast, not just the nipple.

How to stop baby hiccups in bottle-fed babies

When giving your little one a bottle, Forgenie recommends stopping halfway through to burp them and completing the feeding after a five- to 10-minute break. “Completing the feeding while baby is relaxed can actually end the hiccupping,” she says. If swallowing air is an issue, try repositioning the bottle so the air isn’t near the nipple, but is instead at the bottom of the bottle. “Make sure the milk fully covers the nipple [of the bottle],” Scott explains.

Regardless of whether you’re giving baby the bottle or the breast, for preventing and stopping baby hiccups after a feeding, sit baby upright for 20 to 30 minutes afterwards. Gently patting baby’s back, rocking them, changing their position or offering a pacifier may also help soothe them and cause the hiccups to cease, Scott says.

What not to do for baby hiccups

While there are several ways to try and stop infant hiccups, there are a few things the experts note should be avoided altogether:

  • Never startle or scare baby to combat hiccups. “Really, none of that stuff works,” Jacobson says.
  • Don’t put a wet cloth on their forehead, which won’t help either.
  • Holding one’s breath is a remedy that should never be attempted on baby—it’s dangerous, plain and simple.
  • Many people recommend pulling on baby’s tongue and pressing on their forehead or anterior fontanelle (the soft part of baby’s head), Forgenie says, but this can hurt baby.

“Overall, the best thing to do is to wait it out and rest assured that the hiccups will resolve on their own,” Forgenie says. Scott agrees, adding that any over-the-counter remedies such as gripe water, haven’t been proven to stop hiccups.

How to Avoid Hiccups in Newborns and Babies

Of course, you may want to try a few tricks to prevent baby hiccups from happening in the first place. While there’s no guaranteed way to ward them off, here are a few prevention tips.

  • Avoid overfeeding. This is key in preventing infant hiccups, Jacobson says. Take breaks during feedings to burp baby so the stomach doesn’t fill too much, too quickly. Plus, try slowing down your feedings, Scott says.
  • Tip the bottle. This is crucial for bottle-fed babies, as it limits the amount of air swallowed.
  • Position them upright. “Holding baby up for a few minutes after feedings before putting them down can help prevent baby hiccups,” Jacobson says, noting that how you position baby can also impact reflux.

Additionally, Scott says that feeding baby when they’re calm, rather than crying, can help prevent infant hiccups, as well as limiting their activity and movement directly after a feeding.

When to See Your Pediatrician About Baby Hiccups

At the end of the day, baby or newborn hiccups are rarely a cause for concern. “They’re a very common, benign occurrence in infants,” says Karen Fratantoni, MD, MPH, a pediatrician at Children’s National Health System. “Just wait it out—they’re normal and will go away on their own.” Of course, if baby doesn’t stop hiccuping after a long period of time (i.e. several hours), or if you feel like baby’s uncomfortable or something is wrong, don’t hesitate to contact your pediatrician. Moreover, if baby has any feeding or breathing problems, contact your provider, Scott says.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are hiccups bad for babies?

Though uncomfortable, hiccups aren’t bad for babies. “Hiccups, which occur in the gastrointestinal tract, almost never indicate a problem in newborns or infants,” Forgenie says.

Can you put baby down with hiccups?

In most cases, it’s totally fine to put baby on their back when they have hiccups; those little diaphragm spasms don’t interfere with breathing so there’s no physical or medical reason not to. “As long as baby looks comfortable, isn’t spitting up or having any breathing issues, it’s fine to lay baby down with hiccups,” Scott says. (That said, babies who are hiccuping as a result of reflux may be prone to vomiting. If your little one seems to be having a painful GER episode, try keeping them upright. It’s always best to consult with your doctor if you have concerns.) As you know, hiccups can be a pesky nuisance, and baby may find them annoying, disruptive or mildly uncomfortable, in which case, you may want to hold them upright and gently pat their back until the hiccuping subsides.

What do baby hiccups feel like in the womb?

“In the womb, hiccups feel like a mild jerk or twitch in the belly that is usually repetitive or rhythmic, unlike kicks,” Scott explains.

Are there ways to stop hiccups in babies immediately?

Wondering how to stop hiccups in babies immediately? Unfortunately, there are no safe ways to do this. As Fratantoni notes, they’ll go away on their own eventually. “You cannot stop hiccups immediately and should not attempt to use any remedies that are recommended for adults,” agrees Scott.

If baby is arching their back and crying, is it because of infant hiccups?

According to Scott, newborn hiccups shouldn’t be painful or bothersome—“they tend to be more irritating for adults.” So if baby’s arching their back and crying, it could mean they’re uncomfortable due to another issue, such as abdominal pain or reflux.

Is it normal if a newborn hiccups a lot?

It can be normal if a newborn hiccups a lot, Scott says, adding that the “episodes should be brief”—around 5 to 10 minutes, as well as “resolve on their own and not cause pain or discomfort.”

Hiccups can be a nuisance, so it’s normal to want to help baby out when they come down with a nagging case. Take the measures you can to prevent infant hiccups, but know that the occasional episode here and there is nothing to worry about. In the meantime, soak in the adorable little high-pitched sound while it lasts.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.


Christal Forgenie, MD, is a pediatrician with SoHa Pediatrics in New York City. Before joining SoHa, Forgenie worked at Montefiore Medical Center and then went on to work in private practice in Washington Heights. She earned her medical degree from Stony Brook University School of Medicine in New York.

Karen Fratantoni, MD, MPH, is a pediatrician at Children’s National Health System and the medical director of the Complex Care Program. She earned her medical degree from Eastern Virginia Medical School.

Robin Jacobson, MD, is a pediatrician and clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone in New York City. She’s also the medical director of NYU Langone Pediatrics Washington Square. She earned her medical degree from Tufts University.

Denise Scott, MD, is a pediatrician with JustAnswer and a pediatric endocrinologist based in Oklahoma with over 30 years of experience. Certified in culinary medicine, Scott also runs the blog Feed Future Health and is the author of Feed Your Child's Future Health: Prevent Disease Before it Starts. She received her medical degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch and completed her residency at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center with a fellowship at the National Institutes of Health.

University College London, Newborn baby hiccups could be key to brain development, November 2019

Mayo Clinic, Hiccups, March 2023

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