a black mom breastfeeding her newborn baby on the bed


Breastfeeding may be a natural thing, but that doesn’t mean it always comes naturally. Here’s the lowdown on how to breastfeed so baby—and you!—can reap all the amazing benefits comfortably. Discover how-to guides, troubleshooting tips, discussion boards and personal stories from other parents about their experiences as nursing moms.
Breastfeeding may be a natural thing, but that doesn’t mean it always comes naturally. Here’s the lowdown on how to breastfeed so baby—and you!—can reap all the amazing benefits comfortably. Discover how-to guides, troubleshooting tips, discussion boards and personal stories from other parents about their experiences as nursing moms.

Getting Started

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Let’s start with breastfeeding basics. Our guides offer all the information you need to kickoff your breastfeeding journey, from how to establish a proper latch and overcome common painpoints, to how to eat a healthy breastfeeding diet and boost your supply if it's getting low. (Looking for information on bottle-feeding? We’ve got you covered there too.)

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Baby Month by Month
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Have more questions beyond breastfeeding basics? Wondering what's safe and what's not, what works and what doesn't? Whether you're a nursing newbie or you've been at it a while, our posts help make sense of it all for you, offering the latest info and tried-and-true tips from leading experts.


Breastfeeding Videos

Watch and learn. Our videos provide you with step-by-step guides on all kinds of breastfeeding topics, from how to know if baby is hungry to solving common problems nursing moms may encounter along the way. Click play!


There are tons of products designed to ease your breastfeeding experience and help you find success. So which are the best items out there? From breast pumps to nipple cream, nursing bras and more, explore the articles below to discover our favorite picks.


Community Forums

You’re not in this alone. Join our community forums to have discussions with real-life parents like you. Ask questions, leave responses and become a part of the conversation.


Sure, the benefits of breastfeeding are abundant, but the journey is not always an easy one. Read these personal essays from real moms to hear about their experiences and lessons learned, and breathe easy knowing there are others just like you, doing their best for their family and themselves.

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