
Can I Use Baby Wipes on My Newborn?

I've heard that newborns' skin is too sensitive for baby wipes, is this true? What should I use? And in general, what kind of baby wipe is best?
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profile picture of Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP
By Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP, Pediatrician
Updated May 16, 2017
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According to pediatrician Jennifer Shu, diaper wipes are just fine for newborns. The only exception is if baby develops redness or a rash (other than diaper rash), which is indicative of sensative skin. In that case, use cotton balls or squares (they’ll probably give you some at the hospital) dipped in warm water. When baby is ready for regular wipes, choose ones that are alcohol-free and unscented to prevent irritation. If you do notice any irritation besides diaper rash, switch brands until you find one that doesn’t cause a reaction. Talk with your pediatrician about any irritations that seem severe or don’t seem to improve.

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