
High Tech Fertility Tracking: EarlySense Percept

Accurate fertility tracking while you sleep.
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Updated February 5, 2018
Percept fertility monitor
Image: Percept
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There are several ways to pinpoint your fertile window (the days leading up to and after you ovulate) each month, from peeing on ovulation sticks and taking your basal body temperature to using a wearable device. But none are as easy, mindless and stress-free as Percept, which works while you sleep. Here’s how.

What we love

  • There’s nothing for you to remember or do with Percept; simply place it under your mattress so it can keep track of your body’s signals (like heart rate and breathing patterns) to pinpoint your next fertile window and period
  • It’s thin enough to not create an uncomfortable lump underneath you, and sensitive enough to work even under the thickest mattress
  • The information is transmitted to a coordinating smartphone app in real time, where you can keep track of your fertility and periods while you’re awake


No peeing on sticks, no taking your temperature, no wearables—all you have to do to identify your ovulation window with Percept is go to sleep.

Price: $199

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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