
Am I Pregnant?

Whether you realize it or not, you might be showing some early signs of pregnancy. Take our quiz to find out whether you should break out the pee stick.
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profile picture of Elena Donovan Mauer
Updated January 30, 2017
Am I Pregnant?
Image: Kelly Knox
Has Aunt Flo paid you a visit this month?
Nope, still waiting for her to make an entrance, which is weird since she’s normally right on time.
No, but I don’t usually have regular periods anyway, so this isn’t out of the ordinary.
Yup, got it.
Think about your boobs for a sec. How are they feeling?
Dude, now that you mention it, they’re killing me and feel heavier or tinglier than normal.
Just like my usual PMS boobs.
Totally status quo.
Are you near a mirror? Check out the twins. What do they look like?
Whoa, my areolas look dark!
They could have gotten a little darker. Honestly, I don’t know!
They’re just as awesome as usual.
Have you noticed any queasiness lately?
YES! I’ve been pretty consistently feeling like I’m gonna puke.
Actually, I noticed my stomach churn recently, but I chalked it up to motion sickness or a weird smell.
How tired are you right now?
Are you kidding? I can barely stay awake to take this frickin’ quiz.
I’m kind of tired, but it’s not terrible, and there might be another explanation for it -- I’ve been working like crazy lately.
Fully energized.
How’s your appetite been lately?
Ugh, not good at all. Just the thought of certain foods -- even ones I normally love -- makes me feel sick.
I’ve noticed that I’ve been hungry for specific flavors, such as salty stuff like potato chips or sour things like lemonade or bland food -- hold the mustard!
I’m racking my brain but can’t think of anything out of the ordinary for me.
What about your clothes -- how are they fitting?
They’re a little tight. I checked the scale, and I’ve put on a pound or two.
They’re tight, but I don’t think I’ve gained weight. I’m probably just bloated.
I haven’t noticed a difference.
Have you felt any of these symptoms lately: headaches, lightheadedness or more frequent trips to the bathroom (we’re talkin’ ’bout #1)?
Yup, at least one of them -- and it’s driving me crazy.
Hmm... yeah, now that you mention it, I've had at least one of them.
How’s your mood?
Well, I bawled my eyes out while watching something more like How I Met Your Mother than Titanic.
PMSy. (Kinda cranky.)
I haven’t been more emotional than usual, that I can think of.
Were you charting your basal body temperature?
Yes (I’ve been TTC!), and my temp has been up at least a fraction of a degree for more than two weeks. I’m taking it accurately, too -- before I even get out of bed.
Yes, and I haven’t noticed a difference, or I have, but it hasn’t been consistent.
Please answer all questions first.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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