
What to Expect at the 8-Week Ultrasound Appointment

At this appointment, you’ll get a glance at baby and confirmation that everything is on track. Read on to get the full lowdown from OBs and real moms.
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profile picture of Dina Cheney
Updated February 24, 2025
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Image: Photoroyalty | Shutterstock

Think of the 8-week ultrasound as your little one’s first baby picture. While some moms-to-be get an ultrasound even earlier, most have this milestone appointment to look forward to so they can see with their own two eyes that—yes—there is in fact a baby in there!

Months before you nuzzle baby’s fuzzy hair, you’ll take home this fuzzy image symbolizing how much your life is about to change. But exactly what can you see via ultrasound at 8 weeks—and should you prepare in any way? Here, experts and parents share more about this important and impactful experience.

Do You Get an Ultrasound at 8 Weeks?

It’s pretty common to have your first pregnancy ultrasound at 8 weeks pregnant. That said, your provider might schedule this dating ultrasound as early as 6 weeks or as late as 12 weeks. In any case, the main purpose of this procedure is to confirm whether your pregnancy is viable and if it’s progressing normally, says Nirali Jain, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist in Basking Ridge, New Jersey.

To check for viability, your provider will look for a fetal heartbeat. Then, to determine the gestational age and baby’s due date, they’ll measure the fetus’s crown-to-rump length (CRL); basically, this is the length from the top of the head to the bottom of the torso. They’ll also look for potential issues by assessing your ovaries and key early pregnancy structures, like the gestational and yolk sacs, says Jain. If they find any causes for concern, they’ll monitor your pregnancy more closely.

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I had my first ultrasound at 8 weeks exactly; it was done abdominally. My doctor always does abdominal first and if that doesn’t pick it up then he'LL try transvaginal. That said, my 8-week abdominal ultrasound showed the heartbeat—it was visible and audible.

The Bump community member

What Happens at the 8-Week Ultrasound?

The 8-week ultrasound is typically transvaginal, notes Jain. This means a wand-like device (called a transducer) is inserted into your vagina. As the ultrasound tech, nurse midwife or ob-gyn moves it around, sound waves bounce off the inside of your body, transforming into images that appear on a screen. (Later in your pregnancy, you’ll receive a transabdominal ultrasound, where the transducer is moved over your belly.)

The 8-week ultrasound doesn’t require any prep, but Jain says it’s a good idea to pee first, since the transducer might push against your bladder. The movement of the wand can cause pressure or slight discomfort, but you shouldn’t feel any pain.

I like to tell my clients that the fetus should look like a little gummy bear… The head and body are more visible. The outlines will be light where the arms and legs belong—they’re forming!

LM, CPM, a midwife and the founder of Casa Natal Birth and Wellness Center in Los Gatos, California

What Can You See at the 8-Week Ultrasound?

At the 8-week ultrasound, you should be able to see baby’s body—or bodies, if there are multiples. (Yes, at this appointment, you’ll be tipped off if you’re expecting twins or triplets.)

“An 8-week ultrasound typically shows a small, bean-shaped baby inside the gestational sac,” says Jain. “The baby may look like a tiny oval or curled-up shape with a visible flickering heartbeat in the center. The yolk sac appears as a small, circular structure near the baby, providing early nutrients. You may also see the amniotic sac surrounding the baby, creating a protective environment.”

I just scheduled my 8-week ultrasound. I want to be excited—really I do. But after looking at pictures online, I just don't "get it." The 8-week images just look like blurry blobs to me. Did it excite you or was it just "meh?" I'm hoping it'll hit me when I actually get in front of the screen.

The Bump community member

8-Week Ultrasound Pictures

Don’t expect crisp color photos on screen or printed out. The sonogram images will be blurry and black and white. Still, since they’re so meaningful, you’ll likely want to hang them on your fridge. The 8-week ultrasound might look something like this:

Image: arhendrix | Shutterstock

I went in for my first ultrasound today and there was just the sac. The doctor sent me to get bloodwork saying that I might not be 8 weeks. I’m just curious: Has anyone had this happen and how did it turn out? Positive? Or a miscarriage? This is my first pregnancy and I just want to know what to expect!

The Bump community member

Identifying Complications at the 8-Week Ultrasound

Sometimes, the 8-week ultrasound can identify complications, like an ectopic pregnancy—though this is often diagnosed even earlier. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg has implanted outside the uterus; it’s a nonviable pregnancy and a potentially dangerous condition. Additionally, the ultrasound will show if there’s no heartbeat or if the fetus has stopped growing, says Jain.

Next Steps After the 8-Week Ultrasound

If everything looks A-okay at your 8-week ultrasound, you’ll likely return in three or four weeks, potentially for a 12-week ultrasound or a nuchal translucency screening. Of course, if your provider has any concerns, they might ask you to come back sooner, Jain notes.

If the ultrasound shows that the pregnancy isn’t viable, you might discuss whether to schedule a dilation and curettage procedure (D&C) rather than waiting to have a natural miscarriage, explains Dean. Additionally, if you experience bleeding with associated cramping between appointments, you should reach out to your provider.

I had my first appointment today and my first ultrasound. Baby is measuring at 8 weeks 3 days, which is right on with my last cycle. I got to see the heartbeat and so far things look great. Keeping my fingers crossed and looking forward to my 12-week ultrasound.

The Bump community member

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the odds of miscarriage after seeing a heartbeat at 8 weeks?

The odds of miscarriage decrease substantially if you see a heartbeat at the 8-week ultrasound, says Dean. “About 98% of pregnancies will continue,” she says.

Can I bring my partner or a support person to my 8-week scan?

Each practice is different, so always check before bringing someone. But most providers encourage partners or support people to attend these appointments. Since the first ultrasound is a major milestone, you’ll most likely want to share the experience with a friend, partner or family member.

How big is baby at 8 weeks gestation?

Jain notes that, at this point, baby is approximately the size of a raspberry—about 1 to 2 centimeters in length.

Do I need an ultrasound if I experience spotting?

Spotting is relatively common early in pregnancy, and might not require a follow up ultrasound. That said, if you experience heavy bleeding, call your ob-gyn, advises Jain.

When will my provider use the fetal doppler?

The fetal doppler is a type of ultrasound that checks for blood flow to baby. It’s generally performed at 12 weeks or later, when the heartbeat is easier to hear. Your provider may continue to use this tool throughout your pregnancy to monitor baby's heart rate, says Jain.

To Sum It Up

The 8-week ultrasound can be exciting and nerve wracking. After all, it may be the very first time you lay eyes on baby. And while the blurry black-and-white image you receive might be low-quality, the experience will remain crisp in your mind. That little raspberry-sized fetus will be blowing raspberries before you know it.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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