
16 Breastfeeding Quotes to Make You Laugh and Keep You Going

Whether you're in need of a laugh or a motivational message, these breastfeeding quotes are spot-on.
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profile picture of Cassie Kreitner
By Cassie Kreitner, Senior Editor
Updated August 11, 2020
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Moms know this all too well: Nobody puts baby in a corner—at least not when they’re hungry. Regardless of what time it is, what you’re doing, how public a place it is or when they last ate, when baby wants their milk, you’re quick to answer the call. And if you happen to be breastfeeding, the challenges just multiply. Latch issues? Sore nipples? Low milk supply? No one said breastfeeding was easy, but man can it be one stressful, beautiful, exhausting, fulfilling journey. When the going gets tough—or when you just need a good laugh—turn to these motivational, heartfelt and funny breastfeeding quotes. Because others have been right where you are, and they’ve summed up the experience with some pretty memorable sayings.


When Strangers Give You Grief

Struggling with nursing in public? Turn to this breastfeeding quote: “My attitude is, if someone sees a little somethin’ somethin’, don’t look if you don’t like it." —Kourtney Kardashian


When Your Clumsiness Kicks In at 3 A.M.

Mom angst inspires the best breastfeeding quotes. Proof: “Don’t cry over spilled milk. Unless it’s breast milk, in which case, cry a lot.” —Unknown


Multitasking Master

Moms are the ultimate multitaskers. “Nursing gives you superhuman powers. How else could I be doing all this when I’m usually a sleepaholic?” —Gwen Stefani


New Parent Perspective

Some of our favorite funny breastfeeding quotes have come from dads—because they have to make some sacrifices too. “If anything else woke up every 45 minutes during the night demanding to see my wife’s breasts, you kill it.” —Ryan Reynolds


The Best Nature Has to Offer

Does it get any better? “Human milk is like ice cream, penicillin and the drug ecstasy all wrapped up in two pretty packages.” ―Florence Williams


On-Demand Meals

Mama, we feel you. “I feel like a milk maid, but it is worth it.” —Miranda Kerr


Baby's Gotta Eat

This breastfeeding quote with the mic drop: “We all have nipples. I don’t care who I offend; my baby wants to eat.” —Selma Blair


A Tool for Good

Read through these breastfeeding quotes to remind yourself that your body is able to accomplish amazing things. “I see my body as an instrument, rather than an ornament.” —Alanis Morissette


It Is What It Is

There’s no denying this simple truth: “If you have milk, you have milk, and if they’re hungry, they’re hungry.” —Salma Hayek


Not All Superheroes Wear Capes

There’s nothing like motivational breastfeeding quotes to get you through the day. One of our faves: “I make milk. What’s your superpower?” —Unknown


Keep Your Teeth to Yourself

Even funny breastfeeding quotes offer sage advice. “Don’t bite the boob that feeds you.” —Unknown


Meals on Heels

The bar is always open. “As a breastfeeding mother, you’re basically just meals on heels.” —Kathy Lette


Why Breast Milk Is So Perfect

Asking yourself what the upside is to all this? “There are three reasons for breastfeeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers’ and the cat can’t get it.” —Irena Chalmers


Nursing Covers as Capes

It’s breastfeeding quotes like this that give us the motivation to keep going. “If we wear our nursing covers backwards like capes, then everyone can see we’re breastfeeding superheroes.” —Cassi Clark


Don't Like It? Don't Look

Say it louder for the critics in the back! “My opinion is that anybody offended by breastfeeding is staring too hard.” —David Allen


Breasts After Breastfeeding

Amen to this! “Nursing does not diminish the beauty of a woman’s breasts; it enhances their charm by making them look lived in and happy.” —Robert A. Heinlein

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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